The Certainty Trap is available for pre-order on Amazon now. Release date is Sept 2, 2024. Early reviews below!
In an increasingly polarized country, The Certainty Trap offers us a way forward and a pathway back to one and other. Ilana Redstone gives us the rare combination of essential research, engaging prose, and the potential for real world application. It turns out there is something all of us can do at this crucial moment: question our assumptions and open up our minds -- the most democratic act of all.
Eli Saslow, two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize and author of Rising out of Hatred
In a world that often feels like it's spinning out of control, The Certainty Trap is a steadying hand on the wheel. It's a book that will challenge you, change you, and give you hope for the future. If you're ready to break free from the certainty trap and see the world in a new light, this book is the perfect place to start.
Barbara Oakley, PhD, author of the best-selling A Mind for Numbers and instructor of “Learning How to Learn,” one of the world’s most popular courses.
In our troubled time of polarisation, warring narratives, and distrust of institutions and of each other, the absolute certainty with which many people hold their beliefs and perceptions of the motivations of others plays a key and destructive role. In The Certainty Trap, Ilana Redstone, in a style that is thorough and meticulous, yet accessible and engaging, takes the reader through ways to think about how we think and why we think that way in order to better understand both our own values, beliefs, goals and principles and those of others. Redstone does not ask us to embrace epistemological or moral relativism or refrain from drawing conclusions, but to avoid the mind-closing trap of certainty, and instead hold the views we feel warrant it with a confidence that leaves room for doubt, questioning and revision. Clarity and precision, Redstone tells us, matter enormously and those qualities are found in abundance in her important new book.
Helen Pluckrose, Author of Cynical Theories, Social (In)justice, The Counterweight Handbook and (forthcoming), Reformers, Revolutionaries and Reactionaries: Has Liberalism Failed or Are We Failing to be Liberal?
“I don't know anything and neither do you” is how Redstone summarizes her book. Many people address this uncertainty by trying to find patterns, or holding “strong opinions loosely held” as I do. But Redstone offers us much-needed tools to help us make sense of a complex, uncertain world.
Marc Andreessen, co-founder, Netscape and Andreessen Horowitz
Below is sample of the writing I’ve done.
Why It’s So Hard to Change Minds about DEI
Chronicle of Higher Education
The Goal is to Disagree Differently
Champaign County News Gazette
Trapped by Our Certainty
Daily Hampshire Gazette
What is Elizabeth Hoover apologizing for?
Here’s what was really going on in the fracas at Stanford Law
The Washington Post
Actually, You Don't Know That Much
Nikki Haley's campaign ad is bad, but not for the reason you might think
The Hill
Sex Ed and Desegregation Actions in Illinois Suggest We May Not Be Asking the Right Questions
Chicago Tribune
The Problem of Political Polarization Lies Largely in How We Think
The Hill
Breaking Out of the Certainty Trap
The Certainty Trap
The Fallacy of Equal Knowledge
City Journal
Viewpoint Diversity in the Classroom Benefits Everyone
The Crisis of Moral Legitimacy
Cancel Culture: An International Perspective
Heterodox Academy blog
America by Gaslight
'Campus Reform' and Higher Education
Condemning the Harassment Shouldn’t Mean Dismissing the Concerns: A Response to the Campus Reform Controversy
Heterodox Academy blog
Conflict Theory Doesn't Like You
Why 'Just Follow the Science' Won't Solve All Our Problems
The Danger of Unassailable Ideas
The Case for Cautious Optimism
When the "Racism" Doesn't Seem Racist
An Old Recipe for a More Balanced Discourse
On-Campus Failures Don't Stay on Campus
For Some Adjunct Professors, It's Speak Your Mind versus Keep Your Job
Quillette, co-authored with John Villasenor
The Politics of Critical Thinking
Guest posts on "Unassailable Ideas"
The Volokh Conspiracy, co-authored with John Villasenor
What Role Does Racism Play in George Floyd's America?
National Review
Political Differences and a Pandemic: Why the Right Doesn't Trust the Left's Coronavirus Alarm
Heterodox Academy blog
The Silent Crisis in the Classroom
Paper presented at 2019 FIRE Conference
The Conversation about Workplace Diversity We Should Be Having
Foundation for Economics in Education
On South Dakota's HB 1087 and Legislating Viewpoint Diversity
Heterodox Academy blog
What the "Free Speech" Debate Is Still Missing
Heterodox Academy blog
Viewpoint Diversity Does Not Extend to Extremist Hate
Heterodox Academy blog
We're Failing Our Students, and It Hurts Us All
National Review
All or Nothing: Why Our Discussions Over Inequality Go Nowhere
Areo, co-authored with John Iceland
The Dangers of Defining Deviancy Up
How Ritualized Apologies Are Undermining Freedom of Expression
Quillette, co-authored with John Villasenor
3 Ways that Colleges Suppress a Diversity of Viewpoints
Chronicle of Higher Education, co-authored with John Villasenor
Kimmel and Conflict Theory: Sociology Turns Its Lens on One of Its Own
The Costs of Policing Ideas
The American Interest
Four Years Later, Reframing the Salaita Controversy
Times Higher Education blog
Prepare Students to Be Foxes, Not Hedgehogs
Heterodox Academy blog
Polarization and the Delegitimization of Different Moral and Political Foundations
Uncommon Ground Media
Empiricism, Ideology, and the Left: Returning to the Roots of Reason
Uncommon Ground Media Contributing Writer Page